Die Temporärarbeit - Le travail temporaire - Il lavoro temporaneo - Temporary work - Temporärarbeit - 50 Jahre Verband der Personaldienstleister der Schweiz - 50 years Swiss Association of Recruitment Agencies - 50 ans Union suisse des services de l'emploi - 50 anni Union svizzera dei prestatori die personale - Die Temporärarbeit Schweiz - Le travail temporaire Suisse - Il lavoro temporaneo Svizzeria - temporary work Switzerland - 50 Jahre swissstaffing - 50 ans de swissstaffing  - 50 anni di swissstaffing - 50 years of swissstaffing

Temporary work. Humans can’t be replaced. There are some jobs that machines will simply never be able to do, such as providing care for the elderly. Some sectors will always have temporary work opportunities.

Recruitment agencies: swissstaffing.ch/Members